Are Your References “Professional”?

What do your professional references say about you? Ever think about it? You should because no matter how good your interview went, if your references don’t say good things about you….you’re not getting that new job you want. Seems kinda harsh doesn’t it? But it’s true, a bad reference can single handedly sink an otherwise great opportunity.Ironically, most people pay little to no attention to their references. I hear things like “I haven’t talked to him in ages.”, “I didn’t really work that closely with her.”, “I’m just his friend” but my favorite is the “one word answers” – yep, no, yes, maybe, absolutely. Joking aside, if you aren’t taking the time to really cultivate and inform your professional references you are putting yourself at a disadvantage in any job search. Someone who takes their job search seriously has educated, informed, prepared and PREDICTABLE references. I recall a candidate interaction a long time ago where the recruiter asked a reference “Would you hire so and so again?”. Simple stuff, nothing major, should be a straight forward response and it was just that….”I wouldn’t hire that guy to stock shelves”. End of interview, no hire, thanks for playing. If your references say they wouldn’t hire you again, it’s pretty bad but when they go out of their way to torpedo your application it’s apocalyptic.Without further adieu, a few quick tips on how to give the best professional references:1) Give people who you know, trust and who will absolutely, positively say nice things about you – I know, right, who WOULDN’T do that? You’d be surprised. I’m not even going to talk about this anymore, do your homework, call your references so when they talk to potential a employer they don’t throw you under the bus.2) Give a former manager – Again, I know, not rocket science. I’m always happy to hear how great a guy someone is, or how they play a mean guitar or how they can finish Halo without dying……….but, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. I want to talk to someone who can tell me what kind of an employee you’ll be once you are hired. Former managers are critical to making sure any potential employer can get the info they need to hire you without reservation. If you don’t have a former manager who’ll say nice things, try someone else in a leadership role. You need someone besides your lunch buddies to say nice things about you, especially in a competitive job market like we have now.3) Make sure your references are available and expecting the call – This one drives recruiters crazy. Nothing more frustrating than leaving voice mail after voice mail for a reference only to follow up with an email that bounces back “On vacation until September 2013″. Good times! It’s common courtesy for everyone involved and will help also make sure our references say nice things about you.4) Have a few people recommend you on LinkedIn – Simple stuff, and frankly it doesn’t matter if this is a former manager or not. With the rise of social networking, more and more companies are searching the web for potential hires. No better way to reinforce that you are a quality hire than to have a well groomed LinkedIn profile that has several people singing your praises.5) Keep in touch with your references to make sure you have a big stable of people to use -This is the final tip, and probably the most important. You want to keep in touch with people who can serve as great professional references. Seriously, think about it. How many former managers can you give that would say nice things about you? The more you have, the better off you’ll be long term. You don’t need to talk to them every day, week or even every month however, you should be just touching base once every quarter or two, JUST in case you need them or, get this…..maybe they need you. That’s right, your former boss may be looking for a job and need a “former direct report” to say nice things…next think you know you guys are colleagues again. So, trust me on this one, figure out who will give you a stellar reference and then maintain and build on that relationship.That’s it, nothing crazy, nothing complicated. Follow these simple tips and I can guarantee you’ll have much more success converting those interviews into offers.

Professional computer science paper writers

Students pursuing computer science courses write computer science papers during and at the end of the semester. Students experience problems when writing computer science papers and this affects their grades. Some students do not have the skills and knowledge needed to write such assignments. Others have no time to complete the homework. This has compelled students to submit low quality computer science papers. As a result, students buy computer science papers from writing organizations. Many organizations around the globe offer help to students.

Most organizations helping students in their academic do not offer legitimate help, and this has affected student achievement. Students do not have the capability to differentiate genuine companies from those not genuine. Thus, they buy computer science papers from any company.

Students should consider various things when purchasing computer science paper including quality, deadline and plagiarism. Students should get assistance from companies that have the following attributes.

First, students should buy computer science papers from companies that have specialist writers.

Different companies hire different writers, and this determines the quality of services they offer to students. Some companies hire poor writers and others experienced and expert writers.

Therefore, students should be familiar with the writers before deciding to buy computer science papers. Students should get aid from specialist writers. The writers should have specialized in the computer science field. They can have knowledge in different areas of computer science.

This will ensure students get professional and satisfactory assignments. Many companies do not have the capability to employee specialist writers with adequate knowledge in computer science.

Instead, the companies employ writers with general degree and knowledge. The writers offer low quality services to students as they lack the skills and knowledge. The writers should have masters, doctorate and undergraduate qualifications. This will enable students to get pleasant work. The writers will also serve students from diverse academic levels. Some companies employ college writers with no knowledge and experience in writing masters, doctorate and undergraduate computer science papers.

Second, students should buy computer science papers from writers capable of providing original assignments. The writers should not obtain content from the internet and paste it as this influences student score. The writers should be able to use different sources and paraphrase the content of every source. The content not paraphrased should be put in quotes. Quotations preserve the originality of ideas and also prevent plagiarism. Hence, the writers should have experience in synthesizing content gotten from different sources into complete and original computer science papers. The writers should detect plagiarism before handing the home work to respective clients. This will eliminate any traces of plagiarism and boost student grades. The custom writing company should give originality and student score priority.

Third, students should buy computer science papers from writers capable of providing quality work. Quality comprises of correct grammar, coherency, no spelling errors and plagiarism. The writers should be conversant with the quality components to ensure each component is included.

The writers should ensure the assignments have no grammar and spelling mistakes. They should proofread the content to eliminate such mistakes. Editors should also check the assignments for errors before sending them to clients. Additionally, the writers should read computer science papers to ensure they have coherency. The flow of computer science papers affects student grades. The reader should be able to connect the ideas and read them clearly.

The Financial Education You Never Received

I don’t know about what school was like for you, but when I went through school financial education was pretty much non-existent.

I seem to recall one small class on financial education that covered balancing a cheque book and other basics like that. Other than that though, learning how money works wasn’t a subject we were taught in school.

My Own Financial Education

For over a decade now I’ve been on my own mission of financial education that has included reading books, attending seminars, hiring coaches and working with mentors. It’s through this quest for knowledge that I’ve been able to get a much better understanding of what money actually is, and how our financial systems operate today.

Thanks to the internet there is a never ending supply of information available at your fingertips. The challenge is knowing what’s good and accurate and what isn’t. I have a select number of sources that I follow because of the quality of the information they provide, and there’s no shortage of information about how our banking and financial systems work if you look for it.

The Financial Education You Need Won’t Come From Schools

While a large segment of the population is waking up to the scam that has been perpetrated against us, the vast majority of “sheeple” are still in the dark and have no idea how our money system actually works.

Your Financial Education Begins When You Understand That Every Dollar In Existence Is Created As Debt

Once you understand this simple truth, you realize that interest is an instrument of financial enslavement. The money in circulation has been created out of thin air and circulates in the economy, but the money to pay the interest has never been created so we’re simply playing a game of financial musical chairs and when the music stops someone loses their car or home, and the bank gains the asset.

Why Don’t Schools Teach Financial Education?

I’ve often wondered why financial education isn’t taught in school just like math, English and science. In truth, I think it needs to be a core subject. It’s certainly a skill that we’ll all utilize throughout our lives, and without it we tend to suffer.

Perhaps that’s the reason. If you subscribe to some of the theories out there, the modern education system was designed and funded by the elite over a century ago. At that time the globe was full into the industrial revolution, and there was a high demand for factory workers.

Why not create an “education system” that churns out obedient, well trained workers to man the factories. They’d be used to reporting in at a certain time, asking to use the washrooms, eating and taking breaks when the establishment permits.

Whether you buy into that theory completely or not, I believe there’s certainly some truth there. When you follow the money through the system across the globe, it tends to all point back to the same handful of organizations owned by the same handful of wealthy families.

It’s Time To Take Responsibility For Your Own Financial Education

The truth is nobody cares more about you or your money than you do. Your teachers didn’t, your banker doesn’t, your financial planner doesn’t and nobody else does either.

If you ever want to get a handle on your finances and escape the rat race of financial enslavement, then you have to take ownership of your financial education and know how money works, so you can get it working for you.

One of the best ways I know to attain this education is to seek out books by authors like Robert Kiyosaki, and Peter Schiff, and seek out mentors online and offline. There’s a wealth of knowledge available to you, and it’s your responsibility to seek it out and apply it.