Airline Travel Tips – Overcoming Your Fear of Flying

Many people have a fear of flying, or aviophobia – both those who have flown and still remain uneasy, and also those who have never flown and really don’t know what to expect. At some point in your life you learned to be afraid of flying, since this is a learned response.This severe anxiety can cause a person to actually suffer a panic attack or even nausea and vomiting. However, airline travel makes it much easier to get where you’re going if it’s a long drive, so here are some tips to help with overcoming your fear of flying.First, remember that flying is actually a very safe form of travel. You are almost 300% more likely to die in a car accident than in a plane crash.Another thing to keep in mind is the extensive training which commercial airline pilots must go through. This entails thousands of hours of flight time and many certifications. Quite a few airline pilots are trained in the military, which is even more exacting. You can rest assured you are in good hands when flying on a commercial airline.Another good thing to do is to do some research about how a plane actually is able to fly in the first place. Without this knowledge, we can sometimes let our imaginations run amok, and you’d be surprised how a little research can put your mind at ease and take a lot of the mystery and uneasiness away. Fear of flying is often just a control issue, knowing that you have no control over the situation. But understanding the mechanics and knowing exactly why you are feeling that “turbulence” and what all the noises mean helps greatly in reducing your anxiety and fear.You can take a course to help with your fear of flying. Such courses exist online and also offline in different cities. Books and videos are also available to address your concerns. If nothing else has helped, you can speak to a therapist. Many people do utilize therapy to overcome flying anxiety, and it is often very helpful as they might be able to point you toward local support groups or classes.You may find it helpful to visit the airport now and again just to walk around and get used to the atmosphere, and also watch the planes taking off and landing. If you must fly and you simply cannot overcome your fear, a doctor can prescribe something for your anxiety. I would use this as a last resort, as many people successfully overcome their fear with one or more of the above-mentioned suggestions.Consider these airline travel tips for helping to overcome your flying phobia, and you may just find yourself enjoying a cross-country airplane trip at some point in the future.