Affiliate Marketing Tips For 2011 – Two Avenues of Traffic You Should Not Miss

Do you remember the dot com boom? If you have been around for a few years you will remember the huge surge of Internet millionaires that started to spring up out of nowhere.

A major part of this incredible period was the introduction of Google AdSense and the facility for Internet marketers and affiliates to gain massive traction with seemingly inexhaustible cheap advertising through the AdWords program.

If you are too young to actually have been there you will certainly have read about how easy it was to get cheap traffic to any website and make money. Aah, golden days!

However, that is all in the past and a seemingly never-ending string of new rules and guidelines have made AdWords a very risky business for the newbie internet entrepreneur.

But, there is a light in the tunnel, in fact two lights and strangely enough they both have a Google glow.

I have two affiliate marketing tips that I beg you to investigate if you are serious about you internet business. They are not free ways to make cash online but in my opinion they do have value. One of them is especially crucial to any future business.

Affiliate Marketing Tip 1: Google AdWords, yes it is the same routine as before but with a slight twist. We all know about writing the short little sales pitches based on our highly researched keywords and how some of those keywords are hugely expensive.

The tip is, Images. Image advertising is still relatively unused and the opportunity for some cheap traffic is still available. With a little creativity it is simple to knock up some graphics, format them to the required sizes and load them up into AdWords.

Affiliate Marketing Tip 2: This second tip is the crucial one and if you do at least investigate it you are making a huge blunder.

Mobile marketing is where the next wave of internet millionaires will be coming from, believe it. You can ignore this and I bet that in two years time you will be asking yourself, Why?

The costs involved are similar to image marketing on AdWords and the technology is a little more involved but the audience figures are huge and it is possible to buy traffic from around 3 cents a click.

Both Google and Apple have invested literally millions of dollars into this area in the past year or so, Apple have gone so far as to rebrand themselves a “mobile company”. Do you think they would be doing this on a whim?

Classified Job Portals: Boosting Employment

There are numerous job seekers around the globe. The power of internet has enabled these numerous job aspirants as well as corporations seeking best candidates for job openings, to come together. Furthermore, online-classified job portals have helped them interact with each other making the process of employment search for people and finding a suitable candidate for organizations, an easy task. It helps them shortlist their options pursuing the best ones among them.Moreover, classified job portals also facilitate people in gathering the required knowledge and background of each company and candidate. They are like employment & work banks, which get job openings registered from leading organizations and present them to those looking for a work and vice verse. All the jobs are categorically organized in groups related to each field and industry. LA classifieds have helped numerous job seekers get suitable work and given a boost to their career growth.You can avail all these advantages and that too by simply registering with these job portals free of charge. They simply register aspiring job seekers and various organizations but also regularly update job seekers through e-mail about the recent openings that match their profile. In addition to this, they offer various other services like preparation of resume and expert consultation.Classified job portals provide every user their own personalized profile page wherein they can track and compare the jobs that they have applied for with the other candidates who have applied for the same position. You can add, as much information as you personally think is professionally necessary and appropriate and that can give you an edge over the other candidates.Today, more than 85% organizations utilize online job portals to post their job openings as well as use them for searching for the most deserving candidates for vacancies. Gone are the days when one had to visit numerous placement agencies and pay hefty amounts for registering with them. Now you can simply have a look at the available jobs on your and choose according to your preferences.
So, go ahead, explore your career opportunities with the best-classified job portals, and give your career the raise you have been waiting for.


  • There is an excessive amount of traffic coming from your Region.
