Outdoor Fitness – Tips To Get Fit Out Of Doors

Experts advise to break up the long-term fitness goals into shorter, smaller and more realistic ones in order to ensure success and to be able to stick to an exercise regime, many professional health instructors suggest making work-outs fun to do! Once you eliminate boredom from an exercise routine, such as only working out on a stationery bike or hitting the home-gym where you are faced with the treadmill and the same old environment by taking your workout out, you stand a better chance of sticking to the routine – thanks to the novelty factor as well as the freshness of the ideas as such.

Moreover, with increased health awareness and learning about the ill-effects of obesity, there is no dearth of the number of open-air fitness options that are increasingly being made available to singles or groups of people wanting to explore being outdoors – and benefit health-wise from it, too!

So, it’s a common sight today to find people engaged in sporty pursuits for a health purpose as well as one that combines a certain amount of communing with nature or socializing such as walking the dog or swimming in a community pool ensures they benefit from.

The advantages to taking your daily work-out outdoors are many: from needing little by way of expensive gym equipment (read nothing more than your own two feet or a pair of dumbbells, if you wish) to avoiding the sweaty crowds at the local gym, from no having to drive back and forth to a health spa to availing the benefits of fresh and pure oxygen, from ensuring your daily dose of vitamin D that is only available from sunlight to being free to exercise anytime of the day, anywhere – the benefits of outdoorsy workout are huge!

There are also many different types of activities one can pursue outdoors, some of which we list here for your benefit and healthful knowledge:

Apart from exercising your lungs and filling them with pure oxygen that an outdoor work-out in the early morning guarantees you, you also get to benefit from the added room and spaciousness of an outdoor environment where you can perform lunges to build leg, buttock and thigh muscles. You can team these with other forms of exercise that are restricted by limited space indoors, such as jogging and stretching.

Thus, when outdoors, you can accommodate various forms of energetic exercise to sweat more, weigh less and look great by combining different motions such as performing standing lunges, brisk walking and rear lunges besides elevated walking.

The benefits of performing push-ups for a toned upper body are many and these can best be realized when performed in a natural environment that does away with the need for investing in a bench-press machine or an expensive gym membership fee. Basic movements for a push up includes standard, wide and close gripping of surfaces that will help to stimulate shoulder, chest and triceps muscles and this can be achieved with simple elevation of the hands; more intense work-outs can be performed by elevating your feet.

If you feel up to it, try clapping between push-ups or even squatting on one leg then standing and trying a wider stance; do remember to repeat till you feel the legs experiencing the effects of your efforts.

Other great outdoor exercises include sit-ups, chin-ups (try a tree or playground), uphill running or even walking like a duck – and you will be on your way to good health, cost-effectively!

Real Estate Housing Market – Oh, It Is Just Back to Normal – Yea, Right!

“It’s just back to normal’, “Just a seasonal slow-down’, “A normal minor adjustment’, “A great time to buy, with a much wider selection’, “A cooling market’”, “A soft landing”, “A slight tapering off” etc. Yes, these P.C. phrases are now replacing the “We should have a strong market for the foreseeable future” industry line prevalent just a few short months ago.The sad fact is people are still in self-denial here. We’re “special” because of our weather. We are known as America’s Finest City after all. It’s still common to hear someone say, “If you don’t buy now, you’re going to get priced out of the market!”Talk about your irrational exuberance in the Southern California real estate market. In a 2004 summer poll in the LA area, residents believed prices would continue to go up by more than 20% a year for another decade!What will be the industry P.C. phrases we’ll be hearing in about six to nine months? “It may well go as: “This home is a great buy, why just nine months ago you would have paid $25,000+ more…what a great savings.” Naturally, you would be talking to a buyer. For a seller (who has owned for some years) you might say: “Well, you are still making a profit. Who could have even known that the market would have turned down so fast?” For the downtown high-rise buyer who though they got a real deal on the final phase of their Gas Lamp digs, a real estate agent may be saying: “Well, because the resale value is actually below your 100% interest only trust deed, you really should consult a real estate attorney and/or meet with your lender to propose they accept your deed in lieu of foreclosure”.Are you reading this and thinking I’m way off base? Here are a few recent headlines:National Association of Realtors reports, in part: Total existing-home sales – including single-family, town homes, condominiums and co-ops – were down 5.7 percent in December from November.Time Magazine reports that ‘Vegas Condos Go Cold.”The Washington Post reports “Real estate groups in the Washington area have also reported declines to varying degrees.”"The bloom is definitely off the housing rose. Housing peaked last summer and has been weakening ever since,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Economy.com.New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently said the real estate market was slowing “dramatically” and only a “miracle” could stop soaring mortgage rates from eating into housing prices. “The real estate market is slowing down dramatically and we’re going to have a problem down the road,” Bloomberg said.”If people who want to sell their houses have to wait a longer time before someone comes along and buys it, it would be a miracle if prices didn’t start to go down,” he said.”‘The market has definitely peaked,’ said Jack Kyser, chief economist with the L.A. County Economic Development Corp. ‘The fever has broken and now the question people are asking themselves is if there is a crash ahead.’”This is my own opinion on a realistic view of what lies ahead as far as the San Diego real estate market: A multi-year depreciation that could easily take 30% off the highs which reached this market’s peak during the summer of 2005! Plus, I foresee headlines, maybe even national, announcing how the San Diego high-rise downtown boom has turned into a foreclosure city!As a realistic San Diego Realtor, I provide these facts to my sellers. If their property is not generating meaningful activity within the first month of being listed, it would be prudent to consider a revised marketing plan similar to what many San Diego real estate developers are doing. This would be a combination of value-range reduction as well as agent and buyer incentives to position the property as the best total value for the area.I think as Realtors we must adapt and not deny. To otherwise will have a dramatic impact on your financial health and community reputationCopyright 2006 – http://www.websitetrafficbuilders.com All rights reserved. any additions/modifications/hyperlinks added to this article will be considered a copyright violation & subject to immediate legal action without further notice.

Affiliate Marketing Tips For 2011 – Two Avenues of Traffic You Should Not Miss

Do you remember the dot com boom? If you have been around for a few years you will remember the huge surge of Internet millionaires that started to spring up out of nowhere.

A major part of this incredible period was the introduction of Google AdSense and the facility for Internet marketers and affiliates to gain massive traction with seemingly inexhaustible cheap advertising through the AdWords program.

If you are too young to actually have been there you will certainly have read about how easy it was to get cheap traffic to any website and make money. Aah, golden days!

However, that is all in the past and a seemingly never-ending string of new rules and guidelines have made AdWords a very risky business for the newbie internet entrepreneur.

But, there is a light in the tunnel, in fact two lights and strangely enough they both have a Google glow.

I have two affiliate marketing tips that I beg you to investigate if you are serious about you internet business. They are not free ways to make cash online but in my opinion they do have value. One of them is especially crucial to any future business.

Affiliate Marketing Tip 1: Google AdWords, yes it is the same routine as before but with a slight twist. We all know about writing the short little sales pitches based on our highly researched keywords and how some of those keywords are hugely expensive.

The tip is, Images. Image advertising is still relatively unused and the opportunity for some cheap traffic is still available. With a little creativity it is simple to knock up some graphics, format them to the required sizes and load them up into AdWords.

Affiliate Marketing Tip 2: This second tip is the crucial one and if you do at least investigate it you are making a huge blunder.

Mobile marketing is where the next wave of internet millionaires will be coming from, believe it. You can ignore this and I bet that in two years time you will be asking yourself, Why?

The costs involved are similar to image marketing on AdWords and the technology is a little more involved but the audience figures are huge and it is possible to buy traffic from around 3 cents a click.

Both Google and Apple have invested literally millions of dollars into this area in the past year or so, Apple have gone so far as to rebrand themselves a “mobile company”. Do you think they would be doing this on a whim?